Steps to move to an other accounting firm.

Stuur de volgende informatie naar en wij helpen u met het verhuisproces.
- Bron omgeving
- Huidige Administratiecode
- Administratie naam
- Naam van de klant
- Email van de klant
- Doel omgeving
- Nieuwe administratiecode
Please send the following information to
- Source environment
- Current Administration Code
- Administratie naam
- Customer name
- Customer email
- Target environment
- New administration code
The migration process is described in detail in Basecone

DirectLink support can move the BankLink to the new Bookkeeper.
Checklist to complete the movements

New environment
Create user
Link General Ledger in Reporting structure
Old Environment
Delete user
Delete administration
EUR 48 excl OB per company
New environment
Create user
Old Environment
Delete user
EUR 40 excl OB per company
Send a mail to and request to move the BankLink