The Future is WOW!

Imagine to start your day automatically with an actual administration, no matter where you are…..

DirectBank Link makes it happen!

31-1-2019 was the official launch of our new product at Avila Beach Hotel.

Two years ago we started testing DirectBank Link with the MCB and JLPENHA and today we are very proud to announce the success of our new innovative tool that is supported by already 6 different banks and several companies who transmitting ten thousands of transactions per month.
Lennert Anderson from MCB and Mark Klinkert from JL Penha shared their experiences why DirectBank Link is so successful.

The minister of Economic Development; Mr Steven Martina, was also present and spoke about the necessity of innovation on Curacao and beyond.
He was very enthusiastic about our work and his important message to the audience was:
“As a company you have to innovate, or you go out of business”

We are very proud that we can serve our clients on Curacao and in the Caribbean region in the best possible way and looking forward to help more businesses to be future proof.

Are you ready to work more efficiently? Visit our website; or

The contribution of Steven Martina – Minister of Economic Development – Curacao